You must be full of excitement while opening your new Mac book. This damn smart, sleek and high performance machine is able to do your work before the blinking of eye. The main component for this performance is very common part of your Mac. Is it Processor, Mother board? I know your mind will definitely think about these internal components only. But you forget that, Heart of all this part is Battery.

Yes, we are talking of Mac’s battery. It is battery only which is powerhouse. The moment it gets damaged, your beautiful laptop becomes a useless Desktop only. They become over utilized if working in empty condition and will be underutilized in full charged condition. Thus, with some regular precaution you can get best from your laptop. Here are some common tips to take care of your laptop battery:-
1. Turn off extra processes: - If you are working in offline mode, then Wi-Fi is of no use to you. Why to put extra burden on your battery by keeping Wi-Fi on. Turn off the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth switch could save your battery a lot. In the same way, while chatting with your friend while keeping office presentation in background, simply overload the battery. So, try to avoid multitasking to enhance laptop’s battery life. For more help you can also visit and many other sites available online.

2. Reduce the Brightness of screen: - If you are working in Dark or closed room, it is always recommended you should dim your screen’s brightness. You can modify the settings of Brightness by simply in Control panel. This habit will not only save your laptop’s battery, but take care of your precious eyes also.

3. Over charging: - Do not charge your laptop if it is fully charged. Try to maintain the cycle of recharge-use-recharge. If you keep on charging it continuous, it will drain the battery power. One best way is to remove the battery If not in use. But make sure while removing battery, it must be at least half charged. Because an open battery drains automatically. But do not keep it outside for long time.
4. Clean the Battery: - As you want your laptop always clean and shiny, same maintenance is required for your battery also. This kind of service is not required frequently, just once in 2 month clean the battery’s metal contact with soft cloth dipped in alcohol. This will remove the flux from contacts and battery will be able to transfer energy more efficiently.

5. Standby or Hibernate: - Most of people prefer to put laptop in standby mode to resume their work rather than to put it in hibernate mode. Standby mode consumes the same battery as an active laptop. It is always advisable to shut down your laptop if you are away for a long time. If not possible, Put it in hibernate mode. You can also find best computer repair Toronto on the internet.

6. Defragmentation: - The faster your laptop work, less it consumes the battery. So, try to defragment in on regular basis. Delete the unnecessary or temporary files from your system. It will enhance the performance as well as battery life both.

 These simple steps can enhance the battery life of your computer as well as saves your lot of money for a new battery. So why don’t you try it from today onwards?

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