You must be full of excitement while opening your new Mac book. This damn smart, sleek and high performance machine is able to do your work before the blinking of eye. The main component for this performance is very common part of your Mac. Is it Processor, Mother board? I know your mind will definitely think about these internal components only. But you forget that, Heart of all this part is Battery.

Yes, we are talking of Mac’s battery. It is battery only which is powerhouse. The moment it gets damaged, your beautiful laptop becomes a useless Desktop only. They become over utilized if working in empty condition and will be underutilized in full charged condition. Thus, with some regular precaution you can get best from your laptop. Here are some common tips to take care of your laptop battery:-
1. Turn off extra processes: - If you are working in offline mode, then Wi-Fi is of no use to you. Why to put extra burden on your battery by keeping Wi-Fi on. Turn off the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth switch could save your battery a lot. In the same way, while chatting with your friend while keeping office presentation in background, simply overload the battery. So, try to avoid multitasking to enhance laptop’s battery life. For more help you can also visit and many other sites available online.

2. Reduce the Brightness of screen: - If you are working in Dark or closed room, it is always recommended you should dim your screen’s brightness. You can modify the settings of Brightness by simply in Control panel. This habit will not only save your laptop’s battery, but take care of your precious eyes also.

3. Over charging: - Do not charge your laptop if it is fully charged. Try to maintain the cycle of recharge-use-recharge. If you keep on charging it continuous, it will drain the battery power. One best way is to remove the battery If not in use. But make sure while removing battery, it must be at least half charged. Because an open battery drains automatically. But do not keep it outside for long time.
4. Clean the Battery: - As you want your laptop always clean and shiny, same maintenance is required for your battery also. This kind of service is not required frequently, just once in 2 month clean the battery’s metal contact with soft cloth dipped in alcohol. This will remove the flux from contacts and battery will be able to transfer energy more efficiently.

5. Standby or Hibernate: - Most of people prefer to put laptop in standby mode to resume their work rather than to put it in hibernate mode. Standby mode consumes the same battery as an active laptop. It is always advisable to shut down your laptop if you are away for a long time. If not possible, Put it in hibernate mode. You can also find best computer repair Toronto on the internet.

6. Defragmentation: - The faster your laptop work, less it consumes the battery. So, try to defragment in on regular basis. Delete the unnecessary or temporary files from your system. It will enhance the performance as well as battery life both.

 These simple steps can enhance the battery life of your computer as well as saves your lot of money for a new battery. So why don’t you try it from today onwards?
It is a dreadful event for several computer owners - their computer conks out, refuses to work normally or simply resigns your day. Not merely is this a huge inconvenience and a cause for concern due to the potential loss of information (imagine all that work gone right away), having a computer set can cost money. If you are worried about how much you'll pay in the event you need computer repair services, here is a quick guide to help give you an idea about the kind of price you can expect:

Typically, be prepared to be charged hourly rates.

Some pc repair services charge a fee based on the type of work done. In general, though, you will probably be charged per hour. It will also be the technician who will determine how many hours it'll simply take to repair your computer.  For more help you can also search best computer repair center at and many other sites available on the internet.
So if he charges $30 an hour to get a 2-hour repair, you will have to pay out $60 - that is, as long as the job gets done in 2 hours. You might also need to pay additional costs for these, if there is software or hardware to be installed. 

To prevent getting overcharged with a slow-moving technician, always ask if what they are charging will be the full price for the computer's repair. It's also a good idea to request guarantees. This can provide a measure to you of security after the restoration has been done. It'll also help if the computer repair-service offers a no-fix-no-fee promise. Like that, when they fail at solving your computer's problem, there is no need to pay for such a thing. 

Consider pc repair services by remote. 

You will find companies that can fix your pc by hooking up to it on the web. These services can be extremely helpful only when your personal computer problems are software-related. They are also quite affordable, charging fees that begin with around $39. 
The price might be relative, in regards to computer repairs. 

Easy checkups, diagnostics, installation and/or reinstallation, like, can cost from the $25 to about $150 hourly. 

A caveat: there is a saying that is true in computer repair services - at the very least, all the time: 'You get everything you purchase.' Computer repair technicians are well-trained individuals. Not only that, they also run a business and that business usually requires that they buy insurance, not in the same way a protection for themselves-but also for their clients. 

For this reason you obtain computer repair services Toronto that do not charge much and computer repair services that charge a lot. Generally, the higher-end service will be the one which is insured and provides an accompanying guarantee. Check the cheaper repair services and you'll find they offer neither insurance nor guarantee. 
A laptop is a meant for high speed performance and to lessen your work. These intelligent machines are known for their preciseness of work and accuracy. Remember those days, when you need hours to finish your work with the help of big ledgers, notebooks and papers. It was seriously impossible to fetch data of two or three year old from that mountain of papers.

Now a day, this task can be completed before the blinking of your eye. All become possible because of High speed laptops and computer machines.

What, if your computer stops suddenly, the whole data got crashed. It must be very annoyed for you. For more help you can also visit
Even a human being requires a proper maintenance and service to run. We do exercise, take proper diet for these. Then how can you expect a machine to run without error. It also needs proper attention and service.

The main purpose of this article is to understand the situation when your intelligent machine needs repair or service.

There are mainly two kind of maintains that you need to take care for your laptop.

1. Physical maintenance

2. Virtual technical Enhancement

Physical Maintenance:-

1. Wipe off the dust from the outer body, keypad of the laptop.

2. Take the canned air and blow it through the fans, battery slots, USB ports. Just tilt the laptop a little bit and remove the dust from the keypad with slow air.

3. Spray some glass cleaner on the screen while holding a paper towel underneath to prevent it goes inside the screen. The clean the screen with soft hand.
Virtual Technical Enhancement:-

This work is bit easier as compared to first one. It just requires the disk cleanup, defragmentation and regular window updates.

If you are working with Vista / 7 / 8, Windows Update can be run from the Control Panel. Some updates will require you to interact with them, but most will run automatically in the background (Please note that your computer may need to be restarted once this completes). The disk cleanup can be found in the same spot on all versions of Windows except Windows 8.

Click the "Start" button

Click "My Computer" (XP) or "Computer" (Vista / 7)

Right-click on your (C :) and click "Properties"

Click "Disk Cleanup"

Your system will scan for unnecessary files

Once that completes, check all of the boxes in the window that appears and click "OK"
If prompted, click "Delete Files" (Please note that your Recycle Bin will be emptied, please ensure that you have no files in there you would like to keep)

This process will run in the background and disappear once finished

For Windows 8 Users:

Press the Windows Key on your keyboard

At the start menu, type "File Explorer" and click it

File explorer will open in your Desktop

Click "Computer" in the left pane

Double click (C :)

At the top of that window an option called "Drive Tools" will appear, Click "Manage" directly under it

Click "Cleanup"

Your system will scan for unnecessary files

Once that completes, check all of the boxes in the window that appears and click "OK"

If prompted, click "Delete Files" (Please note that your Recycle Bin will be emptied, please ensure that you have no files in there you would like to keep)

This process will run in the background and disappear once finished

That does it. Once all that is done, maintenance on your laptop is complete!

Finally i would like to say; keeping your machine healthy and fast is just 10-15 min work. This 10-15 min will increase your computer's life by almost 1-2 years. And most important, your system will not leave you in between of any important work. 

As well said "Time is precious, save it as you can!"


    Hi Friends

    I am here to give you some knowledgeable information about computer repair service and many other important points related to it. I hope so you all will like it.

    Thank You


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